What is CEO and how is it different from the president of a company?
When talking about large companies it is impossible not to bring to the conversation the work of their respective CEO, but what is CEO and how is it different from the president. lifebloombeauty
CEO is an acronym in English that means Chief Executive
Officer, and its literal translation into Spanish is Chief Executive Officer;
however, this position is better known by the name of Executive Director. There
are many doubts and confusion regarding this position, below, we will explain
what a CEO is, and what is his business role. tc bolts
What is CEO and how is it different from the president?
As already stated, a CEO is the chief executive officer of a
company and with the position comes a host of responsibilities. Among the main
functions that a CEO has we find:
1.- Make known to the members of the company its objectives,
vision and mission; that is to say, both to the employees and the high command
of the company.
2.- A good CEO must have a work team that he trusts , and in
this way delegate some of his functions. Even CEOs have limitations, and a good
CEO must be able to recognize them.
3.- One of the main functions of the CEO of a company is to
plan strategies to meet the objectives set . By leaning on your work team, you
should be able to mark the way forward for the company.
4.- It is important that the CEO keep customers happy,
since, to a large extent, the success of the company depends on them. Because
every customer is different, the CEO must develop strategies to satisfy each
type of customer.
How is the CEO different from the president of the company?
These two positions are often very confused, although in
some cases the president of the company is also the CEO, this is not always the
case. The difference lies in the role that each one fulfills in the company.
It is very common that the position of president falls on
the founder of the company, but more than anything he is an institutional
figure ; In other words, it is the face of the brand, its main function is to
act as a spokesperson for the decisions made. He also advises the CEO to
approve the proposed strategies and be the link with the partners.
The president represents the company. While the CEO for his
part is, in the internal structure, the head of the company; since his
functions are more administrative and business, the development and growth of
the company depends on him.
What skills should a CEO have?
In short, we will tell you what skills a good CEO should
1.- You must be able to create a good work environment by
being honest, recognizing the work of yours and promoting organization and good
2.- You must be a determined person, firm in your ideals and
beliefs, always acting in accordance with the value of the company.
3.- You must be able to earn the respect of your work team.
4.- More than a boss, he must be a leader in the company,
who can guide his team.
Once everything is clarified about what the CEO is and how
it differs from the president, definitions of tasks can be made and therefore,
achieve a better operation of the company.